Thursday, February 23, 2017

Be Yourself...Even When You Wish You Weren't

Do you ever have those moments where you are purely, 100% you. Like, you say something that pops into your head without really thinking about it - surprising even yourself?

I do that a lot. Less than I used to, but every now and then I stand out more than I wish I did, and I become a rubber duck among a group of swans; awkward, juvenile, and not at all elegant.

A while back, I was driving through town with some friends, and we were at a stoplight. As we are sitting there, a man all of a sudden took off in front of me to cross the street. He was really putting some effort in, just sprinting trying to get to the other side of this large street before the light changed.

I had a flashback to my awkward high school self, and felt that he needed congratulated on crossing the street in time. I rolled down my window and shouted "Woooo! Way to go you made it!"

WHAT? WHY DID I DO THAT? My good friend was in the back seat, and she just looked at me as if to say, "Really? What is wrong with you?" And I had to agree.

Sometimes I wish that I slowed down and really thought a little before I open my mouth. This usually happens when I am very comfortable in my surroundings, or I've had a glass or two too much wine. So I was there again, realizing I should have probably slowed down and not been so weird. But it's too late to turn back now. So I just laughed and said I thought he needed some encouragement.

Let's make it fun. Share a time you said something, and immediately just realized that it was the most ridiculous thing you could have said. Let's all laugh a little.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Laugh a Little

We've all been there. We get to work with two different shoes on. We trip going up the stairs. We trip going down the stairs. We lose our balance while standing still.

Oh wait, most people don't fall over while standing in place. That one is usually just me.

There was this time I was at work, and I sneezed really hard. And you guessed it - I peed a little. Enough that I felt I should go home and change my pants. So I went to my boss, who refused to let me use an hour of sick time to run home for "personal reasons." So I said it - "I peed my pants. I need to change. I had to sneeze and I didn't realize I had to pee but here I am in my pee pants can I please just go home now?"

Yup. That was me.

Chances are we've all been embarrassed. Really really embarrassed even. Chances are later on you can laugh it off. I've mastered the art of laughing at it in the moment. Why get upset when I could have a good belly laugh instead?

So here I am, sharing these everyday moments with the world, hoping we can all get a good laugh together and I'm not left standing here, laughing alone. (Wouldn't that be embarrassing?)