Thursday, February 16, 2017

Laugh a Little

We've all been there. We get to work with two different shoes on. We trip going up the stairs. We trip going down the stairs. We lose our balance while standing still.

Oh wait, most people don't fall over while standing in place. That one is usually just me.

There was this time I was at work, and I sneezed really hard. And you guessed it - I peed a little. Enough that I felt I should go home and change my pants. So I went to my boss, who refused to let me use an hour of sick time to run home for "personal reasons." So I said it - "I peed my pants. I need to change. I had to sneeze and I didn't realize I had to pee but here I am in my pee pants can I please just go home now?"

Yup. That was me.

Chances are we've all been embarrassed. Really really embarrassed even. Chances are later on you can laugh it off. I've mastered the art of laughing at it in the moment. Why get upset when I could have a good belly laugh instead?

So here I am, sharing these everyday moments with the world, hoping we can all get a good laugh together and I'm not left standing here, laughing alone. (Wouldn't that be embarrassing?)


  1. I think this is going to be a great blog to follow. Sometimes I feel like I'm the most awkward, hapless person ever, so it's a good feeling to know I'm not the only person who trips on air!

  2. I am so excited to follow this blog and hear all the many stories that have been relatable to my embarrassed stories. This blog had made me laugh, it shows that EVERYONE has a moment where they felt embarrassed, it shows we are all human! Tripping while going up the stairs is an every week occurrence for me, so it's nice that I am not the only person who has that issue.

  3. I am looking forward to seeing more stories! I enjoy honesty and a good laugh. I can relate to this post because I do too make embarrassing moments into a laughing one.

  4. This is a great idea for a blog! I'm really looking forward to following this! I love relating and laughing at embarrassing experiences!

  5. Oh my goodness. This is by far the best thing I have ever read. I am pretty sure the first paragraph is about me. I cannot wait to read what else you post.

  6. Oh my friend...I love your stories. I hope your girl grows up to be just like you (truly). :)

    1. You are so sweet, Beth. I hope she grows up to be so much more than I could ever hope to be. But if she ends up even a little like me I guess I'll take it! ;)

  7. This is such a funny, but relatable blog. It is a great pick-me-up to read, but to also realize, we all have those moments. This is also a great way to help others share their embarrassments to get a good laugh and also feel better about themselves. It would be a great addition to use part of your blog to help others find confidence in their flaws.

  8. I can definitely relate to this type of blog. I've been known to be a clutz and all my life that has led to some pretty embarrassing stories. I'll take comfort in knowing someone else has had it just as rough as me. I look forward to see what stories you have up your sleeve.

  9. This blog is extremely relate-able. I feel like my life is one embarrassing moment after another. A never ending cycle of goofiness. I look forward to reading your stories.
